Background related to the Duties of the Lieutenant Governor of Nevada

The people and companies of Nevada come 1st…

Tourism & Economics – Assisting, Consulting, Developing and working face-to-face with tens of thousands of startups, small business owners, corporations, towns, cities, states and nonprofits on a local, statewide, national and worldwide level since 1976 has been my life. Other than my US Navy time from 1983-87 active and 1987-97 reserves.

My network within 160+ countries along with over 12 million associates and people who have gained from my businesses Worldwide. I have a lifetime of skills in Face-to-Face Leadership, Training & Development, Tourism, Relocation, Publishing, Event Planning, and Business Development on a local, statewide, national and Worldwide levels.

Founder/Chairman and community leader of some 19-business associations, organizations, publishing and event planning businesses from 1976 through today.

1975 as a community leader in training and development with the Jaycees in the state where I was raised, Arizona. Being used for my skills in event planning, marketing and public relations along with media relations. The State of Arizona Board of Directors of the Jaycees (Junior Chamber) asked me to take the state under my care. So, I came up with a plan that would bring our state together. I started many projects to support the Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts and the Jaycee to focus on our United States of America Bicentennial and plan on having the freedom train visit Arizona on its nationwide tour. The goal was to bring American’s together, and boy it worked. I even asked my friend from 1970 to 1994 to give a concert where proceeds would go to the freedom train. Johnny said yes and what an outstanding event both June and Johhny put on. Only one rub, let me pick up the bill at Monti’s La Casa Vieja Steak House in Tempe, AZ. June, asked me way this place? I said this was the house of Mr. Hayden the found of Tempe, AZ. The story goes as this, a world traveler visited Hayden Ferry back in the days when cottonwood trees lined the wild river. This traveler referred to the Greek word Tempe (Place). Tempe, a valley some 5 miles long, between Mount Olympus and Mount Ossa in Thessaly, Greece: famous for its beauty and in ancient times regarded as sacred to Apollo. June and Johnny and I dined in January of 1976. I was in 8th grade (13yrs old) in 1976. I was too young to join the Jaycees, I had been working with for the last few years by that time. So, never did join the Jaycees and stayed in Boy Scout a bit longer.

1979 spending time with leaders from around our nation. Introducing them to leaders in Tempe, AZ and throughout Arizona. By the time I was a Sinor at Tempe High School, I joined Junior Achievement (JA) in 1981 and became the President of my chapter at Scottdale High School. We soon had two VP’s and six managers overseeing 40 students from a school I didn’t even attend. Tempe High School didn’t offer JA at the time. I was a member for only that one year.

1981-82 the concept to support Leaders and Candidates in the Republican Party became a reality and I still oversee to this day.

1983-97 I served you and our country in the United States Navy. More to come…