Back in 2019 I Finalized My Idea…

Back in 2019 I finalized my idea of making the following publications and event services for all of Nevadans on a local, national and international level…

Great Basin Magazine partnered with the Great Basin Events… and replaced with Nevada Outdoors Magazine in 2024

Firearm Owners Today partnered with Nevada Firearm Events… and replaced with Nevada Firearms Magazine in 2024 and

Golfing Around Nevada partnered with Nevada Golf Events… joined our Nevada Lifestyle Media Family in 2024

We added a local annual magazine for all 17-counties that encompass our State of Nevada Nevada Lifestyle Magazines and added an online resource for Nevada Events. You can post unlimted Nevada Events on at no cost or fees.

My ideas come from my way of life… in supporting those who support others has been the driving force…

All of these services are available and supporting every one of our 17 counties Statewide herein Nevada…

So, on 02.23.2020 I decided to become a candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Nevada 2022 and then become a candidate for Governor of Nevada in 2026…

It’s time for me to take my skills in Business Development, Tourism, Event Management and Development along with my many years in Leadership that started before my US Navy training…

To work for you… the people of Nevada in keeping our individualism and our rights to choose how we live…

“We will not close our businesses again…”

“We will not have Our Freedom of Choice be taken from us…”

“We will not be dictated to by anyone…”

I’m an American… Old Reagan Republican… Proud Veteran…

Nevada will become the standard for America to become… State-by-State…

Visit and Let’s Stop The Games… Now!!!

M. Kameron Hawkins proud to serve you again… 1st as a Veteran and now as your state Leader and Employee of yours…

Now it was 02.23.2023 and I’m a candidate for Governor of Nevada in 2026… I hope to see you out and about at the Republican Golf Classic 2024 for the State of Nevada in Washoe County… or at some local Nevada Events…

Thank you for visiting Vote for Hawkins, you can always support Mr. Hawkins by joining your local Vote for Hawkins coummunity leadership volunteer chapter… Call our management company at 775.583.8176 for more information -thank you.

All services are managed by the M. Kameron Hawkins Foundation, Inc., Non-profit